Travelling has become a part and parcel of urban Indian life . We do feel travel adds to kid’s imagination, knowledge, understanding and importance of the world.
So here is one Travel Diary that is intended to help kids document their travel journeys, help in building memories and add up to do activities during travel.

It could be a road journey or travelling by flight or train or any other mode. ‘My Travel Diary’ is for kids in the age group of 6-12 years who will love to not only visit several destinations but also maintain a travel scrap book filled with memories.

There are also stickers according to mood and travel season and this was regarded as a huge plus point by the kid at home.

We liked it and we feel this would be a great gift, a great addition for those who have kids who love travelling with their parents. It has space for photographs to be stuck and activities of writing for each trip for five long journeys and 3 day trips.
For more details or to buy the book click here-
or you can get this book by emailing the team at