February 7, 2025

Nafisa and her son begin a new journey with the Bohri Kitchen

We at Mums and stories came across this interesting mother-son duo of their venture that we surely wanted them to be on our space. A dream to be an entrepreneur and simultaneously an inclination to help his mother restart her professional identity has led the mum-son duo to incredible success.

Meet Nafisa and Munaf Kapadia who has a quirky designation of being the Chief Eating Officer from the Bohri Kitchen- thebohrikitchen.com  based in Colaba, Mumbai.

“It all began as an experiment 18 months ago. I was in a corporate career doing very well in life but it was bothering me that I really wanted to venture out on my own. It was also a fact that my mom who had been a strong career oriented woman had to give up on her aspirations post marriage and more so after motherhood. Me being the youngest of the four children had seen it that she really wanted to get back as she had the time in her hand.

She tried various initiatives like home based chocolate venture, working with Amway and other things but it didn’t last for a long time. Finally one evening it dawned to me that my mom was an excellent cook and perhaps we could utilize it to try out a venture. It was a random experiment where I had emailed a few of my friends asking them if they would be interested in an authentic Bohri dining experience at a pre-decided fee. Within hours we had our confirmations and we even had a stranger trying to book a seat for herself and her friend. I realized that this could be interesting and I had to be cautious of allowing strangers at home.

Sooner than we realized we had this as a weekly activity with menu and dining experience decided how it would be carried on at home. So at the moment we have it as an experiential meal experience at home where we have people who want to savour a good meal and have it in the traditional format with the food cooked by my mom and that’s The Bohri Kitchen.

We have grown organically through word of mouth, good reviews and people who want to find out on the exquisite dining experience. This of course has helped my mom to be involved and generally she is busy Thursdays onwards for the weekend dining experience. It is amazing that we have been able to roll out new concepts like nine course meal, festival dining experience, trying our hand in making it as an experience for diners in Chennai for a weekend and more initiatives.

My mom who is in her late 50’s does feel exhausted but she is surprised by the kind of response and adulation that she has been receiving for the food made for these people. Perhaps she is also taken aback that complete strangers can make her feel good though she has been consistently pointing out that it is normal food that we are cooking. Of course we as a family along with my dad now over many months decide our menu as we are growing to make it a perfect experience at home.  I also make it a point to find out if she wants to end it but she doesn’t want to give up for now at least. We will soon be venturing into home delivery option too but for now we are enjoying being the Bohri dining hosts.”

Nafisa Kapadia adds “I feel great! It’s ironic how even though this initiative takes a lot of effort it actually gives me more energy. My identity remains unchanged. I’m still the same lady who loves to cook. Only thing that’s changed is now I cook for a few more people.”

Pic credit- Facebook of Munaf Kapadia and Hindustan Times


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