Ashirbani Roy Mukherjee is a mum, entrepreneur and someone who believes in raising her son free from gender bias like expressing emotions or doing particular set of chores or acquiring defined set of learning skills.
We are glad to feature this lovely mum on Mums and stories for the series – ” Don’t Judge me for being me.”
If you have a story to be shared where you were judged as a mum, get in touch with us. Write to with your contact number.
If you are one of them and willing to talk about it, do get in touch with us.
a) You are a mum who has been body shamed for being dark skinned, obese or being too thin too.
b) You are a mum who has a child with special needs and you find others judging you or your child on many occasions.
c) You are a mum who is a single parent and a divorcee.
d) You are a mum who has been in leading positions in the company or career and your problems are often sidelined as you are believed to be a problem solver.
e) A mum who who has accepted your son or daughter has a different sexual orientation.
f) You are a mum who is stay at home individual who is happy and no matter what you say to others, people judge you or ask you to get back to work.
g) You are a mum who is a pet parent, married and don’t believe in having kids.
We have had a few interesting stories featured from the above and we would love to have more.
Email at with your contact number. We will soon get in touch with you.