February 7, 2025

Mommy bloggers – An important support system

Blog post by Reshma Krishnamurthy

Kanika G is one among several women who is currently in a happy space thanks to turning her personal journey of motherhood into a new identity for herself. Shifting gears from PhD in Physics she got herself immersed in motherhood and simultaneously took up the role of a blogger. She has even managed to churn out several e-books of the Tania series, thanks to her inspiration of her daughters of two-year-old and an eight month old at home.

The mommy blogger has been around for sometime but with easy access to internet and options to blog even from smart phones, this new engagement in life has caught the fancy of many moms who have taken it up with great interest.

Regardless of whether they post a blog on weekly or monthly basis, scores of mothers in the country are embracing the role of a writer. For some it is the thrill of seeing their experiences shared and published on the internet, even though many of these blogs are shared for free.

For a few others like Kanika say, “Mommy blogging gives you the identity of doing something constructive without compromising on your time with your family or any other work. Moreover some mom and child websites do not put you through the obligation of how many posts you need to blog, so a mom blogger has the freedom to choose her topics and time for her new interest.”

Shavet Jain, social media and content manager for a popular mother and child website,  says, “The number of mothers who are viewing blogging as their way to voice out their thoughts to the world, is increasing by the day. There are craft bloggers, bakers, foodies and travel bloggers. But there is one genre that overpowers the blogosphere today and that is mommy bloggers. The largest community of bloggers in the US is mommy bloggers and we’re moving in the same direction.”

According to Jaishree one of the active bloggers, “Women love sharing their experiences. They have been recording their journey on their pregnancy, childbirth, experiences with their babies as it is an exciting phase in their life. But now there are serious mommy bloggers who are tech savvy and want to have their own domain and social networking pages. They like to validate their information and make sure moms across the world benefit from it.”

Mommy blogging is still in the growing phase in the country but there are many who are finding this platform a huge relief to express themselves regarding all the highs and lows of the motherhood journey. Many are able to understand what the other moms have written and are finding themselves connected in the new world of mom writers.

Adds, Jaishree “Parenting is one of the most difficult tasks that humans perform and that becomes even more complicated when you are faced with situations that you aren’t really prepared. Gone are the days where people were looking for only factual data when it comes to kids. Everyone wants to know a mommy’s perspective as to how she handled the situation and more importantly how she was able to get her child out of illness or other problems. I think relevant usage of grammar and great structural writing is not a must for blogging. If you are able to convey what you feel and if it impacts the reader then your role as a blogger is done”

It could be that right from pregnancy; many educated women are scouting for information on the internet apart from what their obstetrician keeps them informed. Subsequently the dilemmas of baby dependence on self, toddler tantrums, hospital visits, first word spoken and later for every stage gets reassured  through answers by moms who have experienced and are willing to share it with those interested.

As Rashmi Patel, a mother who checks various blogs by mommy bloggers says, “Doctors or other family members do not have the answers all the times. Sometimes the dilemmas may sound silly to others but a mother can understand and perhaps give a better perspective on the issue. You also get to connect to a wider audience than the moms you meet only at the school or in the apartment. It is also de-stressing your mind when you browse a fashion or a shopping website and you feel good when you are reassured on the dilemmas and solutions of another mother on a mum blogger’s page.”

Adds Shavet, “Being social online is a way of life now. For mums, talking about their personal experiences and penning down their feelings, makes them a part of the close community of ‘mothers’. It is their way to get in touch with likeminded people who are real and not robots. Also mums trust other mums more than the older generation, which was the predominant source of parenting advice earlier.”

The feel-good factor where a particular blog post has been liked and commented with gratitude and enriched opinions added are another plus factor for these new breed of bloggers.

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