Speaker 2
Meet Sanjana Jagan at Mum Talks on March 3rd 2018
Women’s Day special at Enerjuvate, Koramangala.
“My retribution against the accident is immense gratitude and a profound respect for second chances.”
Meet this inspiring mum who went thorugh a horrific fire accident when she was in school and the scars took a long time to heal.
Scars were much more than physical ones, yet today Sanjana is a confident and inspiring mum who loves life for giving the second chance.
Free Event. Registration mandatory.
Register here- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfKxEVfCflmlge8Srr3hWTwmWqrYEXBDw-6QGrN26kSMQ6aHw/viewform?c=0&w=1
For any query, reach us at mumsandstories@gmail.com