Mums and Stories brings the Books and Toys Swap
We are bringing this along with storytelling session where children from 3-10 years will be narrated three stories.
Date- September 9th 2018
Venue -Cubbon Park
Time- 11am to 12.30noon
Each child has to bring a toy and a storybook of his or her choice and this will be exchanged with other children. One can take back the book and toy they got for the session, once the event is over. In the age of unrealistic and unnecessary consumerism the idea is also to inculcate the practice of sharing, borrowing without being ashamed.
We will also have a charity box where you can leave old books or toys or a stationery kit. Mums and stories team will distribute it to those who might be happy to take it.
Based on the response, we will love to replicate this event in other venue spaces.
Tickets for story session is priced at Rs, 200 per child per ticket.
Tickets are available on Events High –here
Email at for any queries