September 14, 2024

Aparna Pathak on ‘Yoga and You’ on Mums and Stories

Under Meet the Expert section, this time we caught up with Aparna Pathak who is a life coach, mum, yoga practitioner and teacher, fitness enthusiast and someone who loves taking different roles in life.

This is a photo blog where we are sharing Aparna practicing different asanas and postures for good health.

(Aparna Pathak) (Photograph courtesy -Aparna)

Here is a video featuring her where she talks on the inner balance in life and how many people come and seek for peace, de clutter and destress time. She also stresses on why is it important to slow down.

She has also shared a few tips for Good Health.

  1. Eat home made food on day to day basis. Plan your eating out, eat small before going for dinner or parties
  2. Exercise at least for 30 min 3 days a week
  3. Stay active through the day.
  4. Meditate, start with may be with a minute and gradually build it.
  5. Plan a junk day. I prefer to eat junk in first half of the day.
  6. I love sweets, so i eat 1 portion and stop at it and usually before 4pm 2 times a week
  7. Invest in your hobbies and workout and meditate regularly. It’s a get way to destress, enhance your creativity and being healthy

(Aparna Pathak) (Photograph courtesy -Aparna)

Regarding Yoga, how it helps our mind and body she says, “. Regular practice of Yoga is a great way to build strength, flexiblity and more so calming our mind and increasing our focus. Also regular practice of Yoga helps in beating stress and depression. Also regular practice of Yoga helps to get in touch with your inner self, bring emotional awareness and balance. One must be aware that Yoga also helps in correcting hormonal imbalance and in lifestyle diseases.

(Aparna Pathak) (Photograph courtesy -Aparna)

Do note Aparna recommends that one goes with the practice of Yoga only with the help of an instructor , particulalry with advanced postures and asanas.

One can reach out to Aparna –here

(All photographs are subject to copyright).

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