Hachette Children’s Yearbook and Infopedia 2020 is a recommended resource for kids particularly those who can understand what’s happening when there are television sets screaming daily news capsules, social media bringing its own versions and the age where kids want to know more on everything that interests them.

Current affairs, Politics, Film personalities who got awarded or on list of countries from A-Z with their thematic information on life expectancy, capitals, currency used, flag used, main religions, type of government and so on.

Sections we particularly liked were Newsmakers and not just ones who got all the adulation, the ones who got negative media coverage, they too have been covered like it would be done by any publication.
Other sections that are of interest to kids are space, history, interesting timelines in Indian history and world history, Science and Technology and topics that are off beat but can bring an interest in kids like Literature, types of literature, what is poetry, or prose.
Dedicated sections like Sports, Highlights of Union budget, Climate change, Basic Physics, Chemistry and Biology, the book is indeed a mini encyclopedia and it would be great as a huge board book.

There was an earlier edition in 2019 released earlier this year and this Yearbook of 2020 has the updated facts and Newsmakers.

Mums and Stories loved it and gives it 4.5 on 5